
– 1 Ripe Avocado

– Olive Oil

– 7/8 Cherry tomatoes

– 1 Spoon of Sweet Paprika

– Salt to taste.

– 1 teaspoon of Sesame Seeds

– 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano

– Water

– 1 tablespoon of food yeast



Peel the Avocado and blend the pulp with a food processor with a little bit (a couple of spoons) of water and the food yeast. It must be a Creamy Compound. Season with salt.

In a pan heat the Olive Oil, adding the Sesame Seeds, Oregano and Paprika. Then add the sliced ​​cherry tomatoes and cook for 2/3 minutes.

Finally season the Pasta with Avocado Sauce and then with Cherry Tomatoes.


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